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Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)
The Cyprus University of Technology offers education and high-level research in leading branches of science and technology; it is based at the city of Limassol. Τhe Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics (EECEI) undertakes excellent research as evidenced by its staff’s prominent publication record and its ability to attract substantial external research funding. The research directions of the Photonics & Optical Sensors Research Laboratory (PhOSLab) lie in the optical sciences and in particular in optical sensing. Immediate research activity uses femtosecond lasers to inscribe waveguides, micro-channels and grating structures for sensing applications. Furthermore, activities are directed towards the development of novel optical fibre sensors and lasers for physical and bio-photonics applications. The group has been awarded two competitive infrastructure grants from the RPF and has participated in EU projects for more than 10 years. The Statistical Machine Learning (SML) Laboratory conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of Machine Learning, focusing on application areas with great potential for wider societal impact. Its main competency lies at learning from structured high-dimensional signals with outliers, temporal dynamics, and other hard to model properties. Since its establishment in 2013, it has participated in EU-funded projects worth more than 2M Euros. It currently comprises eight members, including one faculty, one post-doc, and six PhD students.


Bar Ilan University (BIU)
Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew: אוניברסיטת בר אי – Universitat Bar-Ilan) is a public research university
in the city of Ramat Gan in the Tel Aviv District, Israel. Established in 1955, Bar Ilan is Israel’s second largest academic institution. It has some 33,000 students (including 9,000 students in its affiliated regional colleges) and 1,350 faculty members.
Avi Zadok’s group at BIU focuses on the area of fiber-optics. Zadok and his group work on projects related to optical communication, distributed sensing, and microwave photonics. One research project focuses on enhancing Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry (B-ODTR), a fiber-optic sensing technology that allows for the distributed monitoring of temperature and mechanical strain. Currently, the resolution of commercially available B-OTDRs is on the order of meters and has a range of a few tens of kilometers. A main goal is to improve the resolution to the centimeter range and extend the measurement range towards 100 km using elaborate signal processing.

Frederick Research Center (FRC)
Frederick Research Center (FRC) is a leading research institution in Cyprus. It was established in 1997 in order to create a solid foundation for the development of scientific research activities of Cypriot and foreign scientists. FRC engages highly qualified academic/research staff, predominantly from Frederick University, with long-term experience in implementing independent and high caliber research and with rich record of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA)
The Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) was established by virtue of the Law on Regulating the Electricity Market of 2003 N.122(I)/2003, which was enacted by the House of Representatives on 25 July 2003, for harmonisation purposes with the Aquis Communitaire. This Law establishes CERA also as the Authority responsible for Regulating the Natural Gas Market. The relevant Directive was transposed into national Law by Law 183(I)/2004.
The Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority is an independent authority of the Republic of Cyprus and has executive powers and competences in the Energy Field. Among its main statutory objectives, CERA ensures the Security, Continuation, Quality and Reliability of Electricity Supply.

Cyprus Computer Society (CCS)
The Cyprus Computer Society was established in 1984 and numbers more than 1000 members. It functions as a non-profit organisation seeking to improve and promote high standards amongst ICT professionals in recognition of the impact that ICT has on employment, business, and society but also on the quality of life of citizens. The CCS plays a key role in linking Academia with Industry through the promotion of key elements of Informatics, in particular in the areas of digital literacy, professional skills, professionalism, education, training and research. CCS cooperates closely with local and international IT and consulting companies with which it co-organizes open presentations and conferences, with presenters from all over the world, and also maintains special interests groups in areas such as Information Security and Special Interest. CCS participates actively in the Advisory Committee on Information Society which was established by the Council of Ministers and the IT Members Registration Committee of the Cyprus Scientific Technical Chamber.

Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC)
The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) was founded in 1952 by the British colonial government. The 28 private electricity companies of the time were nationalized and absorbed into the EAC. The Authority never received any subsidies from the government as these have always been prohibited by law. Its head office is located in Strovolos. The EAC currently holds a near monopoly on electricity generation in Cyprus. In 2015, he EAC generated a total of 4,128 GWh of electricity consuming 947,226 tonnes of fuel costing €288,632,000. Maximum demand in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus reached 939 MW. A total of 2.0 GWh of the produced electricity in 2015 valued €240,000 ended up in the area occupied by Turkey and no money could be collected for it. The Authority served 559,700 customers in 2015, that is 280 per employee, up from 260 in 2014. The electricity sales per employee reached 2.02 GWh, up from 1.83 GWh in 2014.

Algolysis Ltd (ALGOLYS)
Algolysis Ltd is a research, technology and innovation company focusing on tackling real-life problems by devising state-of-the-art algorithmic solutions. Founded in 2014, Algolysis is a recent entrant in Cyprus’ innovation ecosystem and is currently undertaking projects related to data acquisition, visualization, and analysis, distributed ledgers, block-chain technology solutions, fault-prone distributed systems, and underwater mobile/sensor networks. The company has a diverse research portfolio in computing, and its vision is to become a key technology provider in Cyprus and the south-east European region.
Algolysis’ researchers have been conducting scientific research for over 15 years, in the areas of distributed computing, algorithm design and analysis, computer graphics, data visualization and analysis.

Lumoscribe is an SME company located in Cyprus specializing in developing sensors and lasers using optical fibers. The company has international collaborations and is an exclusive distributor of Technica Optical Components and Redondo Optics for Cyprus and Greece. The company’s portfolio includes optical fiber sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) such as temperature, strain, displacement, accelerometers, interrogation devices and complete optical sensing solutions.

Resoloupe Ltd (RESOL)
Resoloupe is a Cyprus based company which is specialized in tailored-made data analytics. With 10+ years of experience, the company applies innovative machine learning techniques to extract hidden patterns in data and produce key insights about the business.The main activities which are offered by Resoloupe are: (i) Extracting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); (ii) Applying state-of-the-art machine learning to optimize decision-making processes; (iii) Design and implement custom AI solutions that suit customer needs and integrate directly into products; (iv) Design and implement software that gathers, stores and visualizes data in order to aid in the decision support process.
Resoloupe’s team has gained expertise by completing several projects on the domain of Data Analytics. A representative sample of these projects are: (i) User Modelling using Social Network data; (ii) Data Mining on Customer Behavioral Modeling; (iii) Sequential Data Analysis on Fraud Prediction Models; (iv) Forecasting on Financial Data; (v) Social Network Mining and Analysis; (vi) Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis on User Generated Text; (vi) Text Summarization on Software Application Descriptions; (vii) Campaign Optimization.